emergency radio long island REACT

Search and Rescue TEAM

That Others May Live

These four simple words define the passion and drive Search and Rescue (SAR) people have, and adverse conditions they put themselves through, to save others in distress. They take up the search on challenging terrain, in any weather, any time of year, day or night. The type of SAR responder called in is usually determined by the expertise required for the environment where the search and rescue is occurring. For some this is their profession… others are trained volunteers with a specific skillset. General types of SAR missions include: Mountain Rescue, Ground search and rescue (in wilderness areas), air sea rescue, avalanche rescue and Urban Search and Rescue.

Wilderness / Land Search & Rescue

Emergency Radio Long Island REACT Wilderness/Land Search and Rescue team provide support to local emergency management or emergency services agencies by assisting in the location of missing persons, lost/overdue hikers, persons with cognitive impairments who have wandered from caretakers, or any individual that is reported as a lost or injured and whereabouts are unknown. All members who are on the Search and Rescue Team are NYS DEC Certified Wilderness Search Skills, and are medically trained to the Certified First Responder - Wilderness level. 

Emergency Radio Long Island REACT Wilderness/ Land SAR Team provide this assistance through these resources:

Urban Search & Rescue

Emergency Radio Long Island REACT US&R team addresses Life Safety and Search/Rescue operations, fosters a high-performance neighborhood team which supports Damage Assessments, Search and Rescue, and Communications to command/control.  All US&R members are FEMA CERT trained. 

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to maintain an urban search and rescue team possessing specialized capabilities and resources for response to disaster sites, man-made or natural. The primary purpose of the US&R Team is to safely and effectively:

* Rescue those that are in danger

* Search for those that are missing

* Recover those that have been lost

* Mitigate major property loss


Response is a series of steps necessary to re-establish community normalcy. The elements of response change with time after the event occurs. In the first week after an event, there are generally five elements: